Invite your friends to Bitstables and earn commissions

The commission rate is the highest reward in the industry

The highest commission rate in the industry

With Bitstables, you get 50% of your referrals from one person!

Create an invitation link
To create an invitation link, you need to register as a member of Bitstables. Please click the link below to complete the registration.
Create a Bitstables account
Invite your friends
Post it on social media or chat groups, etc., and when they sign up through your invite link, it's done!
Create a Bitstables account
Earn Commission Rewards
When your friends trade, you'll earn over 50% in trading commissions! Refer your friends now!
Create a Bitstables account
Introduce the project to be listed

Earn $10,000 for referring listings

There is no project listing review, and the listing is available at a low cost.So it's easy to refer! You can also earn up to $10,000 for referrals. You can even develop your own tokens!


Listing fee


Token development fee


Referral rate


Referral Fee Earn

What kind of exchange is Bitstables?

Celebrating its 3rd anniversary, this is a rare cryptocurrency exchange with a wide range of features and services designed for investors. Best of all, when you sign up for a new account, you get a free airdrop of the new listing!

Ambassador Benefits : We will pay you a fixed monthly salary of up to $5000

Influencers in the cryptocurrency community, group owners, freelancers, famous traders,
investment consultants with 500+ followers, etc. We welcome people who agree with the Bitstables concept and are willing to promote new users.

Ambassador levels


500〜2000 followers

  • Listing referral commission rate:50%
  • Commission rate for transaction fees:50%


2000〜5000 followers

  • Listing referral commission rate:60%
  • Commission rate for transaction fees:55%


5000+ followers

  • Listing referral commission rate:70%
  • Commission rate for transaction fees:60%